Our company(society) works for more than 30 years in the real estate and manages several PPE
Execution of all the acts of common administration
Etablissemment of the house order
Urgent measures required to prevent or repair a damage or still to put an end to a disorder(confusion)
Execution of the maintenance works and the necessary reparations
Sharing of charges and freshly common between the co-owners
Management of the fund(collection) of renovation
Payment of the taxes included in the common loads(responsibilities), the insurance premiums (fire, water damage, RC, etc.) by the salary of the caretaker and other diverse loads(responsibilities)
Choice and revocation of the caretaker, fixation(binding) of its salary
Control of the voucher foncionnement services(departments) of heating and hot water
Holding(Dress) of the accounting(accounts department)
Visits: we also make a monthly visit of the co-ownership. In date and time fixed in advance. On this occasion, we suggest meeting the possible delegates or the management committee of the PPE.
Independently of this visit of routine, we also go on site to follow the execution of work in progress, as well as every time it is necessary